 The Boy Pharaoh
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Tutankhamun Timeline
(r. 1334 BC -1325 BC)
1343 BC Tutankhamen was born in this year - his name at this time was Tutankhaten
1343BC He was the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the heretic king and his wife Kiya. His birthplace was probably Amarna, the new city created by Akenaten and settled in 1345BC when he moved the population from Thebes
1337 BC After a reign of 17 years it is believed that Akhenaten was forced to abdicate and soon after died
1336 BC A person called Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure took the throne (r1336 BC -1334 BC) There is speculation that Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure was in fact a woman due to the feminine spelling of the name and questions whether Smenkhkare Ankhetkheperure could have been Nefertiti, Akhenaten's Chief Wife and the mother-in-law and stepmother of Tutankhamun
1334 BC Tutankhamenwas made Pharaoh of Egypt. He was nine years old. His regent was Ay who was also the Grand Vizier. Ay was also the father of Nefertiti, his stepmother and also the grandfather of Ankhesenpaaten
1334 BC Tutankhamenmarried Ankhesenpaaten, his half sister , the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti
1331 BC Tutankhamen changed his name from Tutankh aten to Tutankh amun and Queen Ankhesenpaaten changed her name to Ankhesen amun, probably due to pressure from traditionalists, reflecting the growing acceptance of the old god Amun and decline in support of the god Aten
1330 BC King Tutankhamun, Queen Ankhesenpaaten and the royal court, moved back to the old capital at Thebes, the center of worship of the Ancient Egyptian god Amun and the power base of the Amun priests.
1330 BC -
1325 BC The marriage of Tutankhamun and Ankhesenpaaten produced two daughters who were stillborn.
1330 BC -
1325 BC General Horemheb was designated as the Boy King's "Deputy" and was recognised as heir to Tutankhamun
1330 BC -
1325 BC Military campaigns in Nubia and Syria, although it is not known whether Tutankhamun played an active part in them this is quite possible as his tomb depicts scenes of Tut riding a chariot. His tomb also contained no less than 6 chariots
1330 BC -
1325 BC
Various building work was commissioned during this period including the restoration of some temple properties at Karnak and Thebes
1325 BC Tutankhamun died in the year of 1325BC at the age of 18/19. He reigned for just 9 years and the cause of his death still remains a mystery
1324 BC He was buried in his hastily prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings 70 days after his death, according to the death rituals of the Ancient Egyptians
1124 BC � 1106 BC The first tomb robberies were documented in the reign of Ramses IX (1124 BC � 1106 BC). It is possible that the tomb of Tutankhamun was first robbed at this time
1133 BC The entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun is buried with rubble when work is being carried out on the tomb of Ramses VI (1141 BC � 1133 BC)
The Tutankhamun Timeline continues...
1891 Howard Carter goes to Egypt as a junior artist with the Egypt Exploration Fund and is eventually hired by Egypt's Antiquities Service
1907 Howard Carter was introduced to Lord Carnarvon by Gaston Maspero the head of the Antiquities Service
1914 Carter and Carnarvon receive a licence to dig in the Valley of the Kings from the Egyptian Antiquities Service
1914 Outbreak of World War I which prevented immediate excavations
1917 Howard Carter approached Lord Carnarvon to finance his search for the tomb of Tutankhamun
1917 - 1922 Howard Carter digs in the Valley of the Kings but is unable to find the tomb
1922 Carter was given just one more season of funding by Lord Carnarvon to find the tomb
1922 4 November 1922: Carter finds the steps leading to Tutankhamun's tomb and asks Lord Carnarvon to come to Egypt
1922 5 November 1922: Carter cables Lord Carnarvon: "At last have made a wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations."
1922 26 November 1922: Carter makes the famous "tiny breach in the top left hand corner" of the tomb doorway accompanied by Lord Carnarvon and his daughter Lady Evelyn Herbert. Carnarvon asks him if he can see anything, Carter replied: "Yes, wonderful things" and goes on to say: "as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold--everywhere the glint of gold."
1922 27 November 1922: Carter and Carnarvon and Lady Evelyn Herbert explore the Antechamber and Annexe. They find a sealed door to another chamber
1923 16 February 1923: Howard Carter opens the sealed doorway leading to the burial chamber and the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun
1923 17 February 1923: The Burial Chamber is officially opened
1923 5 April 1923: Lord Carnarvon dies in Cairo from an infected mosquito bite
1923 1923: Howard Carter publishes the first of his three-volume account of the discovery
1924 12 February 1924: Carter writes pamphlet to document interference by authorities and leaves the excavation
1925 25 January 1925: Carter resumes work in the tomb
1925 The inner coffin is opened revealing the mummy of Tutankhamun
1932 Conservation work on the King Tut treasures are completed and sent to the Cairo Museum
1939 2 March 1939: Death of Howard Carter in London
1968 A group from the University of Liverpool X RAY and examine the mummy revealing a dense spot at the lower back of the skull
1978 A group from the University of Michigan X RAY and examine the mummy
2005 A team of Egyptian scientists led by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, conduct a CT scan on the mummy revealing that the skull injury was likely to have been caused during the embalming process. Damage to the left thighbone suggested that Tutankhamun badly broke his leg before he died, and his leg became infected
*This timeline is from* |